ff.next in PwC Startup Collider - Interview with Iván Muck and Melinda Havas

Reading time:
February 1, 2020
ff.next's CEO Ivan Muck with the Head of Marketing Melinda Havas

PwC Startup Collider

PwC Startup Collider is a B2B quick scaleup program based in Central-Eastern Europe with HQ in Warsaw that helps innovative entrepreneurs succeed. As an already established startup company, we at ff.next believe that plenty of Startup Collider’s offerings suited perfectly our needs and could support our growth and development. In this short interview our CEO, Ivan Muck and Head of Business Development & Marketing, Melinda Havas are talking about possible plans and opportunities regarding ff.next’s future. You can watch the whole interview here:


ff.next in PwC Startup Collider - Interview with Iván Muck and Melinda Havas

Reading time:

February 1, 2020

PwC Startup Collider is a B2B quick scaleup program based in Central-Eastern Europe with HQ in Warsaw that helps innovative entrepreneurs succeed. As an already established startup company, we at ff.next believe that plenty of Startup Collider’s offerings suited perfectly our needs and could support our growth and development. In this short interview our CEO, Ivan Muck and Head of Business Development & Marketing, Melinda Havas are talking about possible plans and opportunities regarding ff.next’s future. You can watch the whole interview here:



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